So Many Paint Brands – How To Choose?

There are so many brands to choose from and the majority of people just head straight to the big box store to buy their paint, not realizing all of the choices they have. In this video I talk about the difference between the big box brands, the mid range brands and high end.

Is it worth paying more for higher end paint?
Isn’t all paint the same?
Where do I find these higher end brands?

I talk about all of those questions and more, and then share the top performers based on research and online reviews.  Watch now!  Read on for the overview.


3 Levels of Paint Quality

Basically, there are three levels when it comes to quality of paint. I would break them down like this:

Big box stores – some have their own paint brands and some carry multiple brands


Higher End

What to look for

  • Coverage
  • How quickly it levels
  • Splattering
  • VOCs (low or no VOC)
  • Durability

If you can afford it, go to the mid-level brand, but know that there are multiple levels of quality within each brand. Quality matters.

Top Performers – Who Is The Favorite?

Benjamin Moore Regal Select

Sherwin Williams Cashmere

Valspar Signature

Look up paint stores and see which brands they carry.  If you’re really working on a budget, go for the Signature line of the Valspar line at Lowes.

Pick the brand FIRST and then decide which color you will use. If you just can’t find what you are looking for, or if you are trying to match to a piece of fabric that you love, know that most of these stores can color match just about any color; especially if you are going to Sherwin-Williams, Benjamin Moore or Dunn-Edwards, where the color matching is usually spot-on.  For extra tips on choosing your color see THIS VIDEO or THIS VIDEO.

The brands I recommend go for about $50-$70 a gallon. Valspar goes for about $35-$50 a gallon and I wouldn’t go much less expensive than that. Any lower in price and you will start compromising quality and will spend more in the end buying extra paint anyway.

I hope this was helpful. As always, please feel free to ask me questions. As you know, I’m here to help you DIY like a pro!!

Marilyn Taylor, signature






P.S. There are multiple ways that you can work with me.

1. Quick online consults

2. On site consultations or Spiff my Space (locals only)

3. Floor plans. Planning a remodel and want to get the most accurate quotes & move like lightning once you swing the first hammer? Let me help you with floor plan visuals. This will save you thousands with your architect or general contractor to have your basic planning done ahead of time.

Pick the one that works best for you, and in the meantime I’ll see you on the inside!

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