We have these lovely Formosa trees in my neighborhood. Depending on where you were raised, you might call them Mimosa trees, but either name does not take away the beauty of these fluffy pink blossoms. I stopped and appreciated the blooms today. Just for a moment, but that moment was enough.
I woke up this morning feeling frustrated and fought back tears the whole first half of my day. I have spent so much time re-prioritizing and clearing my plate in order to have more focus on the new direction I’m taking in my business. That’s a good thing, but I’ve allowed comparison to rob my joy. Let me explain…..
Since the end of last year I have been taking multiple business courses while running my multiple businesses. Then life hit…hard. Tragedy hit and everything went to pieces. I’m in a few business Facebook groups where I have watched people who started creating their online businesses at the same time I started and are killing it. They are moving forward and seeing success and I feel like I’ve hardly accomplished anything because it seems like the obstacles are never ending. I’ve watched others endure their own tragedies, yet they are light years ahead of me in their progress.
Then, I remembered that my pace is exactly as it should be and to keep my eyes in my own lane. My friend Courtney of The Art of Grit and Grace recently talked about how even though we are paddling as hard as we can, often it feels like we haven’t made progress until we look up and realize how far we have actually come. Those words pulled me out of my funk and remember that I have to keep my eyes in my own lane, because….say it with me…#ComparisonIsTheThiefOfJoy.
I’m so grateful for Hilary Rushford and Courtney Foster Donahue right now and the inspiration they are both teaching. God brought me what I needed when I needed it; fellow entrepreneurs encouraging slowness, grace and gumption…or grit.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friends. Take a beat and enjoy life. Look at your blooms, appreciate their beauty and move forward without comparison. I brought a new rescue pup home today and my heart is full. My progress is perfect rather than perfectly progressing.