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BnB Listing Essentials Guide

Photos – Pricing – Vetting tips – Setting Expectations

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Competition on Airbnb & VRBO is more fierce than ever & guest scams have increased.

 This guide will help you uplevel your listing to stand out among your competitors & help you create a listing that attracts the best guests! 

These listing essentials will help you secure more bookings with less stress & bring you more joy in hosting!


✔️ Get my 5 tip pricing tips

✔️ Learn which 5 must have photos you need for every listing.

✔️ My top tips for vetting guests

✔️ Find your pricing sweet spot – fill up that calendar without leaving money on the table!

✔️ Setting guest expectations is half the battle to achieve that 5 star review.

✔️ And more! 


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